Thursday, April 17, 2014

Happy Birthday to Us: TPM Turns 2!

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress." -Frederick Douglass
Two years ago, today, I submitted my first blog post for The Pretty Mustache. Exciting stuff right? :) When I first decided to start this blog, it was so I'd have a place to showcase my passion for fashion and unique personal style. Let me tell you, I've learned a lot over the years about what to do and what not to do while trying to create a successful fashion blog. And because of it, TPM has seen growth that I'm very proud of. I just wanted to say thank you to all of my readers and subscribers for allowing me to share my perspective with you. I appreciate you guys checking in with us week after week.

Leslie Anne

P.S. This is how you celebrate birthday's right?


  1. Happy Birthday!! That's definitely how you celebrate a birthday!
